With other volunteers for the 'Just Say Neigh' campaign. Our tee-shirts say "Horse Carriages Are Soooo Last Century!".
You can hardly see my face as my hair is everywhere, but I'm there!
A few weekends ago I volunteered with NYCLASS, a group that is trying to get horse carriages off the streets of NYC. With a group of other lovely folks (pictured above), I handed out fliers and spoke with tourists about why having horse carriages in NY is not only outdated, but also unsafe and cruel. We also informed them about alternatives they could enjoy, while asking them to sign our petition.
Many people think that horse carriage rides in NYC are a fun, romantic activity to enjoy while visiting New York. I did, too for a while-until I came across NYCLASS, learned about their mission, and why they fought for it. I changed the way I thought of horse carriage rides in NY after that, and now everytime I pass them near Central Park, I feel sad. Some people say that this has been and always will be an iconic part of New York-but I disagree. Change can and should always happen!
But I'm not here to write about that- I'm here to talk about my volunteering experience! Here is a link for more info about why having horse carriages on the streets of NY is cruel and dangerous (for people as well as horses):
And here is a link for an alternative (besides PediCabs) that NYCLASS has come up with to keep tourists having a nostalgic New York experience while not compromising the health and safety of others:
So, about my experience: I wasn't really sure what to say to the passerbys at first, but the group I volunteered with was very energetic and outgoing; a pleasure to work it. After talking with one of the volunteers who lives in New Jersey, I came up with the slogan: "Horses belong in pastures, not the streets of NY!". I thought of that after she informed me that she owns horses and is aware of their needs, and spoke of how NYC is no place for them.
What was really exciting for me was that a fair amount of people actually came up to us to sign our petition! Some people have made the connection; considered and doubted the comfort and safety of these horses and wanted to support our cause.
The best part was when, to cap off the day, I was waiting on the subway platform to head home and a random guy said , "Nice tee-shirt. I agree with your campaign. How can I get involved?". Awesome!
Horse carriages are sooooo last century!
Till next time (with updates about my birthday and recent summer activities)!
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